Exceptional results require The Person Factor.

Enhancing teams, elevating performance.

Your trusted advisor, helping you to enhance your systems and optimise your team’s performance with a scientific, behaviour based approach that has individual wellbeing as a core value.

Leave no stone unturned – wherever there are people working within a system, there is always an opportunity to enhance performance and elevate results by using practical, ethical and sustainable solutions.

Partnering with The Person Factor gives you a transparent approach to optimising your organisation. Using the Assess, Define, Customise and Embed process, you will always know why we are targeting that element and what success will look like.

The Benefits of Psychological Safety for Your Organisation

In today’s modern economy, most employees are looking for inclusive and people centric workplaces.

Research shows that organisation’s that invest in a culture of psychological safety consistently have the competitive advantage when it comes to attracting the best people, retaining those people and unlocking their full potential.

With The Person Factor assisting you, explore the link between psychological safety and transformational performance.


Our business is built on a foundation of trust that is based on providing our clients with research and knowledge, from a science based approach.

Within our resource center, we provide you with additional insights into the world of applied psychology and the benefits it can bring to your organisation.

Keep in touch

Interested in unlocking your team’s untapped potential?
Get in touch to learn more and find out how your organisation can use The Person Factor.